Horror review: The Eye

ORIGINALLY POSTED ON STRAIGHT.COM, FEB. 6, 2008 Discerning horror fans may have thought that the Americanization of Asian fright flicks hit rock bottom with last month’s One Missed Call. Things haven’t improved with The Eye, a remake of a Hong Kong shocker about a young woman who undergoes a double corneal transplant and then suffers … Continue reading Horror review: The Eye

Horror review: Awake

ORIGINALLY POSTED ON STRAIGHT.COM, DEC. 5, 2007In Awake, Vancouver-born Hayden Christensen (Anakin Skywalker in the most recent Star Wars flicks) plays the incredibly wealthy–and terribly ill–Wall Street tycoon Clay Beresford. He inherited a multimillion-dollar company from his father, but he desperately needs a heart transplant if he's going to see 30. Luckily for him, one … Continue reading Horror review: Awake